Recommended System Leader Rates

System Leader Rates GMLP

Rationale for Price Increase

The GMLP recommended system leader rates were agreed in partnership, initially with NCTL, and then TSC. They have not been updated since 2017

Following the GMLP Executive meeting on Tuesday 10th May we propose the following uplift

System leader

Old Rate

Proposed Rate

Executive headteacher/CEO



National Leader of Education



Specialist Leader of Education (leadership spine)



Specialist Leader of Education (TLR)



Subject Leader (not SLE)







There is a wide range of practice with regard to commission charges and this will depend on the amount of set up and monitoring costs incurred by the school that is brokering  the arrangement.

The previous recommendation was that this should not exceed 10% but we recognise that more complex arrangements demand a significant amount of the broker’s time. Therefore we now propose that set up costs should not exceed 12.5%. This charge to be deducted from the fee paid to the providing school



May 2022