GM Executive Group

The GMLP Executive Board members are elected by their peers and supported by an Independent Chair. They are charged with organising and managing the work of the Board and representing them at local and sub regional level.

Members of the Executive sit on the Greater Manchester Education and Employability Board and The North West School Improvement Board

Our Primary and Secondary Headteacher representatives are members of the Mayor’s Reform Board

Current Postholders

Independent Chair

Margaret Woodhouse

Local Authority Representatives Tim Bowman Tameside  LA
  Cathy Starbuck Salford LA
Amanda Corcoran Manchester LA
Headteacher Representatives  Michael Tonge - Primary
  Clare John - Special 
  Alison Gormally - Secondary 
Diocesan Representatives 

Deborah Smith - M/C CE 

Damian Cunningham Shrewsbury RC 

Peter More Salford RC 

RSC Representative

Stephanie Hannaford

Teaching School Hub Representative

Lisa Fathers